
It took a lot of time and effort to build this website, but life was made easier or the overall result was made better by some important parties: is a great site. I couldn't tell you how much time I've spent in the past couple of years looking through card scans on this site. Thanks to them for a couple of card scans and massive inspiration.

The following is a list of card scans that were provided by third-parties because I don't own them. When (or more likely if) I ever get my own copies of these cards I will update the scans.

Cards scans used WITHOUT permission: is another excellent Digi-Battle resource. I'm grateful to them for the work they've put in to building and maintaining this for so long and inspiring me too.

Mister Bopi

Mister Bopi runs a YouTube channel called Bopi's TCG where he has made informative videos on a number of Digi-Battle card sets. This was a massive help to me in learning about some of these sets, especially the Swedish Promos. Also a massive thank you to him personally for helping me to complete my own collection!

Bopi was also kind enough to provide images of the holo and gold-text cards from the French Booster Set 3:

The original website name in the navigation and on the homepage splash screen were drawn by narb.ean.

Image Credits