Shop for Digi-Battle Swedish Promo Cards on is supported by its visitors. When you purchase through ebay links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission.
Shop for Digi-Battle Swedish Promo Cards on is supported by its visitors. When you purchase through ebay links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission.
The Swedish Promo set was released exclusively in Sweden (fancy that) but thankfully the cards were printed in English. The set features a selection of cards translated from the French Mega Pack along with the Digi-Destined power option cards.
A YouTuber and legendary ebay seller called RaukCard (youtube/ebay) has done a lot of work researching this set. Thanks to him we now know that these cards were distributed at McDonalds and came in 5 card paper booster packs. Below is his video opening one of these incredibly rare packs!
The set features:
Of the Digimon Cards in the set, there are: