Ultimate Rankings

This is an ordered list of the strongest Ultimate Digimon in the Digi-Battle card game. You can read how rankings are determined on the Strongest Cards page.

Ultimate Rank Overall Rank Name Set
1 / 93 22 / 338 Infermon (MO-11) Movie Promo
2 / 93 45 / 338 Kimeramon (ST-21S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
3 / 93 46 / 338 Kimeramon (ST-21) Starter Set
4 / 93 47 / 338 MasterTyrannomon (BO-133) French Booster Set 3
5 / 93 48 / 338 Andromon (TB-08) Taco Bell Promo
6 / 93 49 / 338 Asuramon (CP-18) Cereal Promo
7 / 93 50 / 338 Asuramon (BO-24) Booster Set 1
8 / 93 51 / 338 BigMamemon (MP-81) French Mega Pack
9 / 93 52 / 338 Divermon (BO-126) French Booster Set 3
10 / 93 53 / 338 MagnaAngemon (BO-131) French Booster Set 3
11 / 93 54 / 338 MetalGreymon (DW-01) Other Promo
12 / 93 55 / 338 WaruMonzaemon (MP-80) French Mega Pack
13 / 93 57 / 338 Cyberdramon (MP-83) French Mega Pack
14 / 93 56 / 338 Cyberdramon (ST-83) Swedish Promo
15 / 93 58 / 338 Digitamamon (BO-70) Booster Set 2
16 / 93 59 / 338 AeroVeedramon (BO-88) Booster Set 2
17 / 93 60 / 338 Antylamon (MO-06) Movie Promo
18 / 93 61 / 338 MetalGreymon (BO-80) Booster Set 2
19 / 93 63 / 338 MetalTyrannomon (ST-103) Swedish Promo
20 / 93 62 / 338 MetalTyrannomon (MP-103) French Mega Pack
21 / 93 64 / 338 Andromon (BO-11) Booster Set 1
22 / 93 65 / 338 BlueMeramon (BO-128) French Booster Set 3
23 / 93 66 / 338 Cherrymon (BO-92) Booster Set 2
24 / 93 67 / 338 Etemon (CP-29) Cereal Promo
25 / 93 68 / 338 Etemon (BO-57) Booster Set 2
26 / 93 69 / 338 Gigadramon (MP-107) French Mega Pack
27 / 93 70 / 338 Lillymon (BO-129) French Booster Set 3
28 / 93 72 / 338 SkullSatanmon (BO-134) French Booster Set 3
29 / 93 73 / 338 Triceramon (ST-29S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
30 / 93 74 / 338 Brachiomon (MP-106) French Mega Pack
31 / 93 75 / 338 Brachiomon (ST-106) Swedish Promo
32 / 93 76 / 338 Dragomon (BO-33) Booster Set 1
33 / 93 77 / 338 ExTyrannomon (BO-73) Booster Set 2
34 / 93 78 / 338 Garudamon (BO-89) Booster Set 2
35 / 93 79 / 338 MarineDevimon (ST-39S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
36 / 93 81 / 338 SkullMeramon (TB-07) Taco Bell Promo
37 / 93 82 / 338 Triceramon (ST-29) Starter Set
38 / 93 83 / 338 Pumpkinmon (BO-37) Booster Set 1
39 / 93 84 / 338 Deramon (BO-91) Booster Set 2
40 / 93 86 / 338 Knightmon (MP-82) French Mega Pack
41 / 93 85 / 338 Knightmon (ST-82) Swedish Promo
42 / 93 87 / 338 MarineDevimon (ST-39) Starter Set
43 / 93 88 / 338 SkullMeramon (ST-48S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
44 / 93 89 / 338 Vermilimon (ST-104) Swedish Promo
45 / 93 90 / 338 Vermilimon (MP-104) French Mega Pack
46 / 93 91 / 338 Angewomon (CP-10) Cereal Promo
47 / 93 92 / 338 Angewomon (BO-16) Booster Set 1
48 / 93 95 / 338 LadyDevimon (BO-22) Booster Set 1
49 / 93 94 / 338 LadyDevimon (CP-16) Cereal Promo
50 / 93 96 / 338 Meteormon (BO-130) French Booster Set 3
51 / 93 97 / 338 Phantomon (BO-39) Booster Set 1
52 / 93 98 / 338 SkullMeramon (ST-48) Starter Set
53 / 93 99 / 338 Tekkamon (MP-108) French Mega Pack
54 / 93 100 / 338 MetalMamemon (BO-65) Booster Set 2
55 / 93 101 / 338 Monzaemon (BO-62) Booster Set 2
56 / 93 102 / 338 Monzaemon (CP-34) Cereal Promo
57 / 93 103 / 338 Piximon (ST-30S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
58 / 93 104 / 338 Scorpiomon (BO-32) Booster Set 1
59 / 93 105 / 338 ShogunGekomon (BO-08) Booster Set 1
60 / 93 106 / 338 WaruSeadramon (BO-132) French Booster Set 3
61 / 93 107 / 338 Zudomon (ST-38S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
62 / 93 108 / 338 Megadramon (BO-69) Booster Set 2
63 / 93 109 / 338 Myotismon (BO-76) Booster Set 2
64 / 93 110 / 338 Okuwamon (TB-09) Taco Bell Promo
65 / 93 111 / 338 Panjyamon (BO-127) French Booster Set 3
66 / 93 112 / 338 Piximon (ST-30) Starter Set
67 / 93 113 / 338 WereGarurumon (ST-47S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
68 / 93 114 / 338 Zudomon (ST-38) Starter Set
69 / 93 116 / 338 MegaSeadramon (BO-31) Booster Set 1
70 / 93 117 / 338 MegaSeadramon (CP-25) Cereal Promo
71 / 93 118 / 338 MetalGreymon (CP-01) Cereal Promo
72 / 93 119 / 338 MetalGreymon (BO-01) Booster Set 1
73 / 93 121 / 338 WereGarurumon (ST-47) Starter Set
74 / 93 122 / 338 Blossomon (BO-90) Booster Set 2
75 / 93 124 / 338 Jagamon (CP-20) Cereal Promo
76 / 93 125 / 338 Jagamon (BO-26) Booster Set 1
77 / 93 126 / 338 Minotarumon (BO-21) Booster Set 1
78 / 93 127 / 338 Minotarumon (CP-15) Cereal Promo
79 / 93 128 / 338 SkullGreymon (ST-32S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
80 / 93 129 / 338 Vademon (MP-105) French Mega Pack
81 / 93 131 / 338 Garbagemon (BO-93) Booster Set 2
82 / 93 132 / 338 Giromon (BO-68) Booster Set 2
83 / 93 133 / 338 Mammothmon (ST-46S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
84 / 93 134 / 338 Okuwamon (ST-31S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
85 / 93 135 / 338 SkullGreymon (ST-32) Starter Set
86 / 93 137 / 338 Mammothmon (ST-46) Starter Set
87 / 93 138 / 338 Okuwamon (ST-31) Starter Set
88 / 93 140 / 338 Mamemon (BO-64) Booster Set 2
89 / 93 141 / 338 Mamemon (CP-36) Cereal Promo
90 / 93 143 / 338 MegaKabuterimon (ST-28S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
91 / 93 149 / 338 MegaKabuterimon (ST-28) Starter Set
92 / 93 150 / 338 Myotismon (BO-38) Booster Set 1
93 / 93 171 / 338 Datamon (BO-67) Booster Set 2

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