Champion Rankings

This is an ordered list of the strongest Champion Digimon in the Digi-Battle card game. You can read how rankings are determined on the Strongest Cards page.

Champion Rank Overall Rank Name Set
1 / 144 71 / 338 Magnamon (MO-09) Movie Promo
2 / 144 80 / 338 Rapidmon (MO-05) Movie Promo
3 / 144 93 / 338 Digmon (FX-10) Fox Kids Promo
4 / 144 115 / 338 Cyclonemon (BO-78) Booster Set 2
5 / 144 120 / 338 Wendigomon (MO-04) Movie Promo
6 / 144 123 / 338 Gargomon (MO-03) Movie Promo
7 / 144 130 / 338 Flamedramon (FX-08) Fox Kids Promo
8 / 144 136 / 338 Halsemon (FX-09) Fox Kids Promo
9 / 144 139 / 338 Devimon (TB-06) Taco Bell Promo
10 / 144 142 / 338 Gekomon (ST-27S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
11 / 144 144 / 338 Tuskmon (BO-75) Booster Set 2
12 / 144 145 / 338 Wizardmon (ST-44S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
13 / 144 147 / 338 Devimon (CP-02) Cereal Promo
14 / 144 146 / 338 Devimon (BO-02) Booster Set 1
15 / 144 148 / 338 Gekomon (ST-27) Starter Set
16 / 144 151 / 338 Wizardmon (ST-44) Starter Set
17 / 144 152 / 338 IceDevimon (MP-86) French Mega Pack
18 / 144 154 / 338 Mekanorimon (ST-71) Swedish Promo
19 / 144 153 / 338 Mekanorimon (MP-71) French Mega Pack
20 / 144 155 / 338 Octomon (ST-37S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
21 / 144 156 / 338 Tankmon (MP-69) French Mega Pack
22 / 144 157 / 338 Airdramon (ST-96) Swedish Promo
23 / 144 158 / 338 Airdramon (MP-96) French Mega Pack
24 / 144 159 / 338 Octomon (ST-37) Starter Set
25 / 144 160 / 338 Soulmon (MP-77) French Mega Pack
26 / 144 161 / 338 Soulmon (ST-77) Swedish Promo
27 / 144 162 / 338 Starmon (ST-26S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
28 / 144 163 / 338 Akatorimon (BO-121) French Booster Set 3
29 / 144 164 / 338 Bakemon (ST-45S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
30 / 144 165 / 338 Centarumon (TB-05) Taco Bell Promo
31 / 144 166 / 338 DarkTyrannomon (BO-79) Booster Set 2
32 / 144 167 / 338 Hyogamon (MP-78) French Mega Pack
33 / 144 168 / 338 Kurisarimon (BO-125) French Booster Set 3
34 / 144 169 / 338 Starmon (ST-26) Starter Set
35 / 144 170 / 338 Bakemon (ST-45) Starter Set
36 / 144 173 / 338 Devidramon (MP-97) French Mega Pack
37 / 144 172 / 338 Devidramon (ST-97) Swedish Promo
38 / 144 174 / 338 Icemon (BO-120) French Booster Set 3
39 / 144 175 / 338 Musyamon (ST-20S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
40 / 144 176 / 338 Flarerizamon (MP-74) French Mega Pack
41 / 144 177 / 338 Flarerizamon (ST-74) Swedish Promo
42 / 144 178 / 338 Fugamon (BO-116) French Booster Set 3
43 / 144 179 / 338 Gatomon (BO-77) Booster Set 2
44 / 144 180 / 338 Kokatorimon (BO-56) Booster Set 2
45 / 144 181 / 338 Kokatorimon (CP-28) Cereal Promo
46 / 144 182 / 338 Leomon (CP-03) Cereal Promo
47 / 144 183 / 338 Leomon (BO-03) Booster Set 1
48 / 144 184 / 338 Monochromon (BO-12) Booster Set 1
49 / 144 185 / 338 Musyamon (ST-20) Starter Set
50 / 144 186 / 338 Thunderballmon (ST-75) Swedish Promo
51 / 144 187 / 338 Thunderballmon (MP-75) French Mega Pack
52 / 144 188 / 338 Darkrizamon (BO-124) French Booster Set 3
53 / 144 189 / 338 Frigimon (BO-07) Booster Set 1
54 / 144 190 / 338 Greymon (ST-02) Starter Set
55 / 144 191 / 338 Kuwagamon (TB-04) Taco Bell Promo
56 / 144 192 / 338 MudFrigimon (MP-99) French Mega Pack
57 / 144 193 / 338 RedVegiemon (BO-87) Booster Set 2
58 / 144 194 / 338 ShimaUnimon (MP-76) French Mega Pack
59 / 144 195 / 338 ShimaUnimon (ST-76) Swedish Promo
60 / 144 196 / 338 Veedramon (BO-83) Booster Set 2
61 / 144 197 / 338 Woodmon (BO-86) Booster Set 2
62 / 144 198 / 338 Birdramon (ST-04) Starter Set
63 / 144 199 / 338 Dolphmon (ST-35S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
64 / 144 201 / 338 Ninjamon (MP-94) French Mega Pack
65 / 144 200 / 338 Ninjamon (ST-94) Swedish Promo
66 / 144 203 / 338 Ogremon (BO-04) Booster Set 1
67 / 144 202 / 338 Ogremon (CP-04) Cereal Promo
68 / 144 204 / 338 Saberdramon (BO-119) French Booster Set 3
69 / 144 206 / 338 Seadramon (CP-06) Cereal Promo
70 / 144 205 / 338 Seadramon (BO-06) Booster Set 1
71 / 144 207 / 338 Tyrannomon (BO-66) Booster Set 2
72 / 144 208 / 338 Coelamon (ST-36S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
73 / 144 209 / 338 Deltamon (BO-74) Booster Set 2
74 / 144 210 / 338 Dolphmon (ST-35) Starter Set
75 / 144 211 / 338 Kuwagamon (BO-13) Booster Set 1
76 / 144 212 / 338 Kuwagamon (CP-07) Cereal Promo
77 / 144 214 / 338 MoriShellmon (ST-93) Swedish Promo
78 / 144 213 / 338 MoriShellmon (MP-93) French Mega Pack
79 / 144 215 / 338 Snimon (CP-19) Cereal Promo
80 / 144 216 / 338 Snimon (BO-25) Booster Set 1
81 / 144 217 / 338 Angemon (ST-14) Starter Set
82 / 144 218 / 338 Apemon (ST-43S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
83 / 144 219 / 338 Centarumon (ST-17) Starter Set
84 / 144 220 / 338 Clockmon (ST-72) Swedish Promo
85 / 144 221 / 338 Clockmon (MP-72) French Mega Pack
86 / 144 222 / 338 Coelamon (ST-36) Starter Set
87 / 144 223 / 338 Dokugumon (ST-19S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
88 / 144 224 / 338 Drimogemon (BO-10) Booster Set 1
89 / 144 225 / 338 Ebidramon (BO-18) Booster Set 1
90 / 144 226 / 338 Ebidramon (CP-12) Cereal Promo
91 / 144 228 / 338 Gesomon (BO-30) Booster Set 1
92 / 144 227 / 338 Gesomon (CP-24) Cereal Promo
93 / 144 229 / 338 Gorillamon (BO-19) Booster Set 1
94 / 144 230 / 338 Gorillamon (CP-13) Cereal Promo
95 / 144 231 / 338 Kabuterimon (ST-08) Starter Set
96 / 144 232 / 338 Meramon (BO-05) Booster Set 1
97 / 144 233 / 338 Meramon (CP-05) Cereal Promo
98 / 144 234 / 338 Piddomon (MP-79) French Mega Pack
99 / 144 235 / 338 Tortomon (ST-25S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
100 / 144 236 / 338 Whamon (CP-30) Cereal Promo
101 / 144 237 / 338 Whamon (BO-58) Booster Set 2
102 / 144 238 / 338 Apemon (ST-43) Starter Set
103 / 144 239 / 338 Dokugumon (ST-19) Starter Set
104 / 144 240 / 338 Gatomon (BO-15) Booster Set 1
105 / 144 241 / 338 Gatomon (CP-09) Cereal Promo
106 / 144 242 / 338 Guardromon (ST-73) Swedish Promo
107 / 144 243 / 338 Guardromon (MP-73) French Mega Pack
108 / 144 244 / 338 Gururumon (BO-118) French Booster Set 3
109 / 144 245 / 338 Ikkakumon (ST-12) Starter Set
110 / 144 246 / 338 Mojyamon (BO-14) Booster Set 1
111 / 144 247 / 338 Mojyamon (CP-08) Cereal Promo
112 / 144 248 / 338 NiseDrimogemon (ST-95) Swedish Promo
113 / 144 249 / 338 NiseDrimogemon (MP-95) French Mega Pack
114 / 144 250 / 338 Tortomon (ST-25) Starter Set
115 / 144 251 / 338 Shellmon (BO-09) Booster Set 1
116 / 144 252 / 338 Vilemon (BO-20) Booster Set 1
117 / 144 253 / 338 Vilemon (CP-14) Cereal Promo
118 / 144 254 / 338 Garurumon (ST-06) Starter Set
119 / 144 255 / 338 Rockmon (ST-22S) Starter Set Holo Chase Cards
120 / 144 256 / 338 J-Mojyamon (BO-117) French Booster Set 3
121 / 144 257 / 338 Roachmon (CP-17) Cereal Promo
122 / 144 258 / 338 Roachmon (BO-23) Booster Set 1
123 / 144 259 / 338 Rockmon (ST-22) Starter Set
124 / 144 260 / 338 SandYanmamon (MP-102) French Mega Pack
125 / 144 261 / 338 Unimon (ST-16) Starter Set
126 / 144 262 / 338 Deputymon (MP-70) French Mega Pack
127 / 144 263 / 338 Flymon (MP-110) French Mega Pack
128 / 144 264 / 338 Kiwimon (BO-85) Booster Set 2
129 / 144 265 / 338 Yanmamon (MP-101) French Mega Pack
130 / 144 266 / 338 Togemon (BO-84) Booster Set 2
131 / 144 267 / 338 Togemon (ST-10) Starter Set
132 / 144 268 / 338 ShellNumemon (BO-123) French Booster Set 3
133 / 144 269 / 338 Raremon (BO-72) Booster Set 2
134 / 144 329 / 338 PlatinumSukamon (MP-92) French Mega Pack
135 / 144 328 / 338 PlatinumSukamon (ST-92) Swedish Promo
136 / 144 330 / 338 Numemon (CP-35) Cereal Promo
137 / 144 331 / 338 Numemon (BO-63) Booster Set 2
138 / 144 332 / 338 Nanimon (ST-15) Starter Set
139 / 144 333 / 338 Geremon (BO-122) French Booster Set 3
140 / 144 334 / 338 Vegiemon (MP-98) French Mega Pack
141 / 144 335 / 338 Vegiemon (ST-98) Swedish Promo
142 / 144 336 / 338 Zassomon (MP-100) French Mega Pack
143 / 144 337 / 338 Sukamon (CP-31) Cereal Promo
144 / 144 338 / 338 Sukamon (BO-59) Booster Set 2

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